Hydration Hack: Optimize your Water

Hydration: one of the foundational aspects of health.

Are you hydrating properly?
Many of us know the health benefits of drinking enough water, but are you getting minerals with your water?

Many water filtration systems strip the water of its naturally occurring minerals. Most municipal water supplies are also adding loads of chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, and many other toxic chemicals. Check out your town’s water report to see what they are putting in there and ensure that you are getting the best water.

To optimize your drinking water, I strongly suggest utilizing local spring water or a high-quality water filter such as the Berkey filter.

Go to findaspring.com for local springs and go to bit.ly/useberkey for the best filtered water.

It is vital to add minerals back into our water prior to our consumption. What can we do to bolster our water with those minerals?

Easy choices are quality salt and mineral drops.
Get 2 bottles of your water droppers and save 58% with the code wholehealth at bit.ly/ionicdrops

Important to note, your body is also absorbing water through the skin when showering.

Check out my favorite shower filter and save 10% with code wholehealth

To dive deeper into the magical world of water and get really deep into the work of Masaru Emoto and other water scientists, Watch part one of the Messages from Water Podcast featuring Eddie Madden.

Happy hydrating! πŸ’§πŸŒŠ

Rob Carneywater, hydration