5 Simple, Free Ways to Stress Relief- Stress Management basics

Stress relief does not need to be fancy or expensive. In fact, many of the best tools for relieving stress can be done for free, without the need for any equipment.

In this article, we will outline 5 simple & free tactics for relieving and preventing stress.

You can download the free eBook- Stress Control: 37 Strategies to Lower your Stress for more ideas.

1) Go for a walk

Most people these days live an excessively sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies were not designed to sit for extensive amounts of time. Traditionally, our ancestors were moving consistently throughout the day. Our body is designed in its erect position to walk through time and space with the ability to have our hands free for other tasks such as carrying objects. Often times we are in a state of ‘fight or flight’, also known as the sympathetic nervous system, by sitting down and staring at a screen all day. By simply getting up to go for a walk, we are allowing our body to work through these various stress hormones and reset our body. Movement is a great medicine. As Hippocrates said “Walking is a man’s best medicine.”

2) Breathe

Did your mother ever tell you to take a deep breath when you were in a frenzy? There is great wisdom to this. Much like walking can help to reset our body, the simple act of conscious breathing can entirely shift our state. There is a reason why yogis and other health advocates emphasize the importance of our breath. Our body responds to our breathing patterns which can alter our mood nearly instantaneously. Don’t believe me?

Pause right now, close your eyes, and take 5 or more deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose, filling up your belly, and either out through your nose or mouth. The key here is in through the nose and into the belly. This helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, aka rest and digest.

3) Get outside

Nature heals. Get outside. Fresh air, sunlight, plants, and just about everything in nature will help us to relax. Taking some time to get outside and simply observe nature can reset our system. Nature does not rush. Nature does not stress. It simply takes everything in stride. The best part? You can combine this with going for a walk and conscious breathing. It is a trifecta of stress relief!

4) Organize your work / living space

If you are anything like me, the idea of cleaning can seem daunting. We often make this anthill into a mountain. Realistically, living or working in a clean environment can make a huge difference. Simply being an environment that is dirty or unkept can make us feel stress at a subconscious level. Take a moment to tidy up your desk, bedroom, or wherever else you spend a large portion of your time.

5) Step away from the devices

This can work in conjunction with any of the tactics listed above. While our various technologies are incredibly helpful to our lives in my areas, they can also create a lot of stress. Unplug from your phone. Step away from your computer. Turn off the TV. Take some time to bask in the beauty of life without the digital world, it’s pretty cool in the real world too.

Looking for more stress management ideas?

Download the free eBook- Stress Control: 37 Strategies to Lower your Stress

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